Energy & Green Tech news

Energy & Green Tech

New continuous reaction process can help turn plant waste into sustainable aviation fuel

Washington State University scientists successfully tested a new way to produce sustainable jet fuel from lignin-based agricultural waste. Published in the journal Fuel Processing Technology, the team's research demonstrated ...

Energy & Green Tech

New tandem solar cells break efficiency record—they could eventually supercharge how we get energy from the sun

The sight of solar panels installed on rooftops and large energy farms has become commonplace in many regions around the world. Even in gray and rainy UK, solar power is becoming a major player in electricity generation.

Energy & Green Tech

Scientists simplify design and servicing of vanadium flow batteries to balance power grid

Skoltech scientists have presented a model that facilitates the design and operation of vanadium redox flow batteries. These are large-scale storage units for electrical power that promise to play a major part in the energy ...


Big lithium plans for Imperial Valley, one of California's poorest regions, raise a bigger question: Who should benefit?

Imperial County consistently ranks among the most economically distressed places in California. The Salton Sea, the state's biggest and most toxic lake, is an environmental disaster. And the region's politics have been dominated ...

Energy & Green Tech

Study shows US can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2035

Dramatically expanding climate-action policies across all levels of government, sectors of society and the economy could slash U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2035 compared to 2005 levels, according to a new report ...


Can cryptocurrencies ever be green?

Cryptocurrencies have been condemned over their environmental record at a time when traditional investments have been rapidly moving towards greener environmental, social and governance (ESG) values. So how long will it be ...


Innovative electrolytes could transform steelmaking and beyond

The lifeblood of any battery is the electrolyte. It is the medium through which positively charged elements (cations) migrate en masse between the positive and negative electrodes. By this means, batteries discharge to provide ...

Energy & Green Tech

Higher blends of biodiesel fuel could cut transportation emissions

Barriers that are currently preventing the use of greater percentages of biomass-based diesel fuel blended into petroleum diesel have been identified, along with strategies to overcome them, according to researchers at the ...

Energy & Green Tech

Sales of electric cars charge ahead in Europe

Electric cars—key to reducing emissions and meeting climate change goals—have boosted their market share in Europe, data showed Friday, as the region prepares to abandon petrol and diesel.

Energy & Green Tech

Plans for largest US solar field north of Vegas scrapped

The push to transition from carbon-emitting fuel sources to renewable energy is hitting a roadblock in Nevada, where solar power developers are abandoning plans to build what would have been the United States' largest array ...

Energy & Green Tech

Smog tower to help Delhi breathe but experts sceptical

A new attempt at purifying New Delhi's notoriously polluted air will see forty giant fans push out filtered air in the heart of the Indian capital's posh downtown shopping district.

Energy & Green Tech

Global approach is needed on battery regulation

New European Union regulations on batteries could offer a huge boost to the global decarbonisation mission—but only if it leverages its political and economic weight to ensure a fairer global marketplace.

Energy & Green Tech

Visualizing a city's energy use

The building sector in the U.S. accounts for 39 percent of energy use, with commercial buildings responsible for about half of that. As cities grapple with climate change, making commercial buildings more efficient is a key ...

Energy & Green Tech

Merkel: No way back on German plan to end nuclear power use

Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday defended her decision to end Germany's use of nuclear power next year, but acknowledged that it will make it harder to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the short term.

Energy & Green Tech

Green hydrogen production from curtailed wind and solar power

Designing future low-carbon energy systems to use power generated in excess of the grid's demands to produce hydrogen fuel could substantially lower electricity costs, according to new work published by Advances in Applied ...

Energy & Green Tech

Better batteries for grid-scale energy storage

Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have designed a new class of molten sodium batteries for grid-scale energy storage. The new battery design was shared in a paper published today in the scientific journal Cell Reports ...

Energy & Green Tech

Printing perovskite solar cells

To reach the target of carbon neutral, a transition from fossil energy to renewable energy generation is indispensable. Photovoltaic technology is considered as one of the most prominent sources of renewable energy. For decades, ...