Light: Science & Applications

Light: Science & Applications (LSA) publishes high quality optics and photonics research from around the world. The Journal covers fundamental research as well as the important issues in engineering and applied sciences that are related to optics and photonics.

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Intelligent wireless walls for contactless in-home monitoring

Patient health care strongly relies on in-hospital situation and remote monitoring at home is very challenging. Various human activity recognition systems have been proposed exploiting sensors, cameras and wearables. However, ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Perovskites used to make efficient artificial retina

An artificial electronic retina that can "see" in a similar way to the human vision system and can recognize handwritten digits has been built by KAUST researchers as they seek to develop better options for computer vision ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Darkness from light

Microresonators are small glass structures in which light can circulate and build up in intensity. Due to material imperfections, some amount of light is reflected backwards, which is disturbing their function. Researchers ...

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