Materials Today

Materials Today is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that was established in 1998. It covers all aspects of materials science and is published by Elsevier. The editor in chief is Jonathan Agbenyega. Besides original research articles, other formats are also included, such as news items, commentaries, and opinion pieces on subjects of interest to the field. Materials Today is self-described as a review magazine focused on materials science. Contribution formats are commissioned articles, review articles (2500-3500 words), applications (2000-2500), insights (2000-2500), materials and methods (1200–1500), book reviews (650-700), and opinion(750-900). The peer-reviewed sections of the magazine are "reviews", "insights", "applications", and "materials and methods". Topical coverage consists of research advances (includes future trends), contributors' personal perspectives, broad scientific interest articles, specific reviews for materials researchers, technical aspects of materials research, commercial applications, significant emerging technologies, and significant potential applications for new materials.

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