Doodle for Google winner: Georgia teen dedicates heartwarming portrait to her mother
Every year, Google hosts a competition to encourage students in the U.S. to dream up and create their own interpretation of the company's search page logo.
This year's Doodle for Google theme was "When I grow up, I hope..." and participants were encouraged to show what they envision for their future.
The winner was a Georgia-based teen named Arantza Peña Popo who titled her Doodle, "Once you get it, give it back." The portrait depicts a framed picture of her mother carrying Arantza as an infant, which was inspired by a real picture in her home of her mom holding her sister.
The rendering also depicts an adult version of Artantza standing in front of the framed portrait while caring for her mother as she ages. The 18-year-old was announced as the contest's winner late Monday by Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show.
The winning doodle is featured on Google's website on Tuesday, August 13.
"I wanted to focus more on a message of helping out my awesome mother more than anything else," Arantza said in a Q&A with Google.
When asked why she chose to highlight her relationship with her mother in the Doodle, the teenager said, "I think it was just a chance to thank her for all she'd done. Sometimes I think of the cost of raising a child all the way to adulthood and since I know I can't instantly pay my mom back hundreds of thousands of dollars, I can at least pay her back in a sincere doodle."
Selected from more than 200,000 submissions, Arantza will receive a $30,000 scholarship, a $50,000 technology package for her school and a trip to the company's headquarters in California.
For 11 years, Google has periodically replaced its search page logo with new images and graphics, dubbed "doodles," to mark special events and anniversaries on
"With Doodles, we aim to celebrate a diverse mix of topics that reflect Google's personality, teach people something new, and most importantly, are meaningful to local culture," the search giant said in a statement.
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