European Molecular Biology Laboratory

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is Europe's esteemed lab network for research in molecular biology. EMBL is funded by 20 member states an one associate member. EMBL operates in 5 sites, the main laboratory is in Heidelberg, Germany. Additionally, EMBL manages the European Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton, Grenoble, Hamburg and Monterotondo near Rome, Italy. Research at EMBL covers the entire spectrum of research in molecular biology. The mission of EMBL is to train scientists at all levels, perform basic molecular biology research and to create new instruments and methods in the broad field of life science and technology development. EMBL has a PhD program and currently has 170 candidates in the program. EMBL publishes updates news about their current research and welcomes the public and media to visit or connect with them about their work.

EMBL Heidelberg Meyerhofstra?e 1 Heidelberg D-69117 Germany
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