Inderscience Publishers

inderscience Publishers has been in business since 1979. inderscience publishes numerous respected journals in all professional disciplines and a newsletter, blog and news releases. Inderscience Publishers charge for prints of journal articles, but provides some articles on-line or on its blog. New journals in science, electricity, energy, bio-mechanics and related fields are continually being introduced. A RSS feed is available, e-mail alerts and inderscience Publishers has a Twitter account.

P O Box 735 Olney, Bucks., MK46 5WB UK.
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Weaponizing the internet for terrorism

Terrorism is a fact of life as are the collectives and networks to which counter-terrorism organizations and the media have given various labels and names. These networks are well versed in exploiting modern information technology ...

Computer Sciences

Fiction books narratives down to six emotional story lines

Our most beloved works of fiction hide well-trodden narratives. And most fictions is based on far fewer storylines than many have imagined. To come to this conclusion, big data scientists have worked with colleagues from ...