Page 2 - University of Sydney


Growing sustainable everyday products using mushrooms

Researchers from The University of Sydney have developed a biological growing process that uses mushrooms to turn organic waste into compostable products as a low-cost, sustainable solution to plastics.


When art inspires engineering

Art and science may seem light years apart, but according to a team of civil engineers they're simply different ways of making sense of the world.


How brain-monitoring tech advances could change the law

A world-first report from Dr. Allan McCay scrutinizes advances in neurotechnology and what it might mean for the law and the legal profession. The paper calls for urgent consideration of how the new technology is to be regulated.

Right at your fingertips: researcher creating digital touch

For many, the ability to see and hear our family, friends and colleagues using digital devices like mobile phones and video-calls has long been a reality—never more so than during the pandemic. But one day, we may also ...

Machine learning & AI

Applying machine learning to biomedical science

With potential application diagnosing cancer or predicting how viruses, such as HIV, attack human cells, machine learning is opening promising new areas of application for bioinformatics—the data science of molecular biology. ...

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