
A robotic leg, born without prior knowledge, learns to walk

For a newborn giraffe or wildebeest, being born can be a perilous introduction to the world—predators lie in wait for an opportunity to make a meal of the herd's weakest member. This is why many species have evolved ways ...


Scaling up the production of liquid metal circuits

Carnegie Mellon mechanical engineering researchers have developed a new scalable and reproducible manufacturing technique that could accelerate the mainstream adoption and commercialization of soft and stretchable electronics.

Consumer & Gadgets

Are Siri and Alexa making us ruder?

Is the way we bark out orders to digital assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant making us less polite? Prompted by growing concerns, two Brigham Young University information systems researchers decided to ask.


Researchers explore what makes robots 'persuasive' to humans

A new study by researchers at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering explores how robots persuade and build trust with humans. The research could guide the development of artificial intelligence ...

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