
Bot gives non-native speakers the floor in videoconferencing

Native speakers often dominate the discussion in multilingual online meetings, but adding an automated participant that periodically interrupts the conversation can help non-native speakers get a word in edgewise, according ...

Computer Sciences

Crowd workers, AI make conversational agents smarter

Conversational agents such as Siri, Alexa and Cortana are great at giving you the weather, but are flummoxed when asked for unusual information, or follow-up questions. By adding humans to the loop, Carnegie Mellon University ...

Consumer & Gadgets

People are too trusting of virtual assistants

Attributing lifelike qualities to virtual assistants could cause people to reveal more personal information to the companies that own them than they otherwise would, according to a new study.

Machine learning & AI

The influence of AI on trust in human interaction

As AI becomes increasingly realistic, our trust in those with whom we communicate may be compromised. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have examined how advanced AI systems impact our trust in the individuals we ...