Energy & Green Tech

Sodium-ion batteries are set to spark a renewable energy revolution

The extent to which renewables should dominate Australia's energy grids is a major issue in science and politics. Solar and wind are clearly now the cheapest form of electricity. But limits to these technologies can undermine ...

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers first to develop an organic battery

Researchers at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linköping University, have for the first time demonstrated an organic battery. It is of a type known as a 'redox flow battery," with a large capacity that can be used ...

Energy & Green Tech

Good news for rooftop solar, not for home batteries

The energy produced over the lifetime of typical rooftop solar panels more than makes up for the energy it takes to make, mount and then eventually recycle them. But adding a home battery usually lowers those dividends, according ...

Energy & Green Tech

Metal powder: Zero-carbon fuel for the future?

Gaining sustainable energy from wind, solar and water is commonly known and applied. However, renewable sources depend on environmental conditions: in peak times of wind and sun, excess energy is produced that is needed in ...

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