Hi Tech & Innovation

AI-powered 'sonar' on smartglasses tracks gaze, facial expressions

Cornell University researchers have developed two technologies that track a person's gaze and facial expressions through sonar-like sensing. The technology is small enough to fit on commercial smartglasses or virtual reality ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Wearable device uses sonar to reconstruct facial expressions

Cornell researchers have developed a wearable earphone device—or "earable"—that bounces sound off the cheeks and transforms the echoes into an avatar of a person's entire moving face, utilizing acoustic technology to ...

Computer Sciences

Projection system shines makeup on actors during live performances

The facial appearance of actors can be transformed during live stage performances using a new advanced system developed by a team at Disney Research that can track an actor's movements and changing expressions so that the ...


Transforming online court hearings with avatars

Since the coronavirus pandemic, video conferences have become an everyday occurrence across a variety of professions. Online court hearings are also becoming increasingly important around the world. In large countries such ...

Machine learning & AI

Recognising the signs

Machine recognition of sign languages is on the cards thanks to work by a team in India who are using a Microsoft Kinect movement-identifying controller. Writing in the International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, ...