Electronics & Semiconductors

Lightweight green supercapacitors could quickly charge devices

In a new study, researchers at Texas A&M University have described their novel plant-based energy storage device that could charge even electric cars within a few minutes in the near future. Furthermore, they said their devices ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Researchers fabricate novel flexible supercapacitors on paper

Wearable devices such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and virtual reality headsets are becoming commonplace. They are powered by flexible electronics that consist of electrodes with plastic or metal foil as substrates. ...

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers design battery prototype with fiber-shaped cathode

In a new study, North Carolina State University researchers made a cathode in the shape of a thread-like fiber. The researchers were then able to use the fiber to create a zinc-ion battery prototype that could power a wrist ...


Understanding why zinc-based fuel systems fail

While scientists have hoped that rechargeable zinc-manganese dioxide batteries could be developed into a viable alternative for grid storage applications, engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago and their colleagues ...