
Korean technology lays the foundation for air quality improvement

A newly developed technology has made it possible to measure fine particle levels in challenging conditions, breaking Korea's reliance on international technologies for such measurements. This preprocessing technology enables ...


Flexible microspectrometer for mobile applications

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF have developed a very compact spectrometer module. It maps spectra from 39 optical fibers onto one camera sensor in a small space. This ...


Improving miner problems with safety research

In the search for safer working conditions in the mining sector, a recent review published in the International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering has highlighted what might become a rich seam for future safety endeavors. ...


Soft robot fingers that can carefully squeeze without sensors

With a brief squeeze, you know whether an avocado, peach or tomato is ripe. This is what a soft robot hand also does, for example, during automated harvesting. However, up until now, such a gripper needed sensors in its 'fingers' ...

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Measurement is the process or the result of determining the ratio of a physical quantity, such as a length, time, temperature etc., to a unit of measurement, such as the metre, second or degree Celsius. The science of measurement is called metrology.

The English word measurement originates from the Latin mēnsūra and the verb metiri through the Middle French mesure.

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