
The dark side of social media networks

A systematic review of research into the dark side of social media use has identified 46 harmful effects, ranging from physical and mental health problems to negative impacts on job and academic performance, as well as security ...

Consumer & Gadgets

WEDG wants to make a difference in personal cloud privacy

Shehbaz Afzal, CEO of WEDG, is ready to share what he and his group have been working on for the past months, and he has taken to Indiegogo to raise funding. WEDG is promoted as "a revolutionary cloud email and storage solution ...


Google says it will phase out web-tracking 'cookies'

Google on Tuesday said is making progress in its quest to vanquish third-party "cookies" on its popular browser used to track people's online activities, a focus of many privacy activists.


Expert insights: Why social media companies need to be reined in

In September, the Wall Street Journal released the Facebook Files. Drawing on thousands of documents leaked by whistle blower and former employee Frances Haugen, the Facebook Files show that the company knows their practices ...

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