Consumer & Gadgets

How legit is that verified Twitter account?

As Twitter keeps changing, misinformation experts are watching closely, hoping to offer tips on how to spot the difference between official accounts and the impostors.


Facebook demands academics disable ad-targeting data tool

Academics, journalists and First Amendment lawyers are rallying behind New York University researchers in a showdown with Facebook over its demand that they halt the collection of data showing who is being micro-targeted ...

Computer Sciences

Writing with AI help can shift your opinions

Artificial intelligence-powered writing assistants that autocomplete sentences or offer "smart replies" not only put words into people's mouths, they also put ideas into their heads, according to new research.

Machine learning & AI

Human extinction threat 'overblown' says AI sage Marcus

Ever since the poem churning ChatGPT burst on the scene six months ago, expert Gary Marcus has voiced caution against artificial intelligence's ultra-fast development and adoption.


European Parliament ratifies 'new era' tech laws

The European Parliament on Tuesday ratified landmark laws that will more closely regulate Big Tech and curb illegal content online, as the EU seeks to bring order to the internet "Wild West".

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