
Is explosive growth ahead for AI?

As we plunge head-on into the game-changing dynamic of general artificial intelligence, observers are weighing in on just how huge an impact it will have on global societies. Will it drive explosive economic growth as some ...


Wearable wristband captures entire body in 3D

Using a miniature camera and a customized deep neural network, Cornell researchers have developed a first-of-its-kind wristband that tracks the entire body posture in 3D.

Computer Sciences

Avoid a privacy nightmare with 'Lean Privacy Review'

When Google launched its own attempt at a social network—Google Buzz—back in 2010, the company initially suffered a PR nightmare. "WARNING: Google Buzz Has A Huge Privacy Flaw," read Business Insider. It turned out, Google ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Study reveals extent of privacy vulnerabilities with Amazon's Alexa

A recent study outlines a range of privacy concerns related to the programs that users interact with when using Amazon's voice-activated assistant, Alexa. Issues range from misleading privacy policies to the ability of third-parties ...

Computer Sciences

Safe Paths: A privacy-first approach to contact tracing

Fast containment is key to halting the progression of pandemics, and rapid determination of a diagnosed patient's locations and contact history is a vital step for communities and cities. This process is labor-intensive, ...

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