
Robot circulatory system powers possibilities

Untethered robots suffer from a stamina problem. A possible solution: a circulating liquid—"robot blood"—to store energy and power its applications for sophisticated, long-duration tasks.

Energy & Green Tech

The role of energy density for grid-scale batteries

Because the sun does not shine at night but all our screens do, we need energy storage to shift solar energy production during the day to when it is needed in the evening. To cope with this intermittence of renewables, we ...

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers first to develop an organic battery

Researchers at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linköping University, have for the first time demonstrated an organic battery. It is of a type known as a 'redox flow battery," with a large capacity that can be used ...

Energy & Green Tech

New storage battery more efficient and heat-resistant

The share of energy from renewable sources is constantly on the rise in Germany. At the beginning of 2020, for the first time ever, renewable energy was able to cover more than half of the electricity consumed in Germany. ...

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