Computer Sciences

Universal accelerator finds faster answers to complex problems

A good machine-learning algorithm is a powerful research accelerator. Pair it with a computer simulation and it can sniff out mathematical shortcuts through the program, propelling scientists to faster insights about the ...


Boneyard airplane sees new life as a NASA X-66 simulator

NASA's X-66 aircraft, the centerpiece of its Sustainable Flight Demonstrator project, is taking the term "sustainable" to heart by reusing an old MD-90 cockpit as a base for its new X-66 simulator.

Energy & Green Tech

New software provides advanced grid simulation capabilities

Power companies and electric grid developers turn to simulation tools as they attempt to understand how modern equipment will be affected by rapidly unfolding events in a complex grid. A challenging and particularly promising ...


Machine learning unlocks secrets to advanced alloys

The concept of short-range order (SRO)—the arrangement of atoms over small distances—in metallic alloys has been underexplored in materials science and engineering. But the past decade has seen renewed interest in quantifying ...

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