Consumer & Gadgets

New phone case provides workaround for inaccessible touch screens

A new smartphone case could soon enable folks with visual impairments, tremors and spasms to use touch screens independently. Developed at the University of Michigan, BrushLens could help users perceive, locate and tap buttons ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Facebook reveals goals for 3-D augmented reality glasses

With the reality of virtual interaction increasing during the COVID-19 pandemic, Facebook is expanding its AI-based augmented reality (AR) initiative. The company's Reality Labs aim to develop lightweight, stylish glasses ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

DeepLabCut-Live! Real-time marker-less motion capture for animals

Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings," Thanos in the "Avengers," Snoke in "Star Wars," the Na'vi in "Avatar"—we have all experienced the wonders of motion-capture, a cinema technique that tracks an actor's movements and translates ...

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