Energy & Green Tech

Here's how food waste can generate clean energy

Food waste is a growing problem in Canada and many other parts of the world—and it is only expected to get worse in the coming years. The world population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion by 2050, alongside global food ...


Could video games bring NFTs to the masses?

A year ago, NFTs were obscure virtual assets known only to tech geeks—but as video game companies enter the growing market, industry players hope they're poised to go mainstream.


Smart windows regulate right light in the greenhouse

Greenhouses can allow the growth of high quality crops in otherwise unproductive areas. Important, as the world population is growing and the land area appropriate for farming is limited. One thing that is still difficult ...

Energy & Green Tech

The price of keeping kids warm at night in New Zealand

The cost of heating a child's bedroom through the night in a Wellington winter would run through 46 percent of the government's Winter Energy Payment, which is paid to qualifying beneficiaries and all superannuitants to help ...