
Trick prompts ChatGPT to leak private data

While OpenAI's first words on its company website refer to a "safe and beneficial AI," it turns out your personal data is not as safe as you believed. Google researchers announced this week that they could trick ChatGPT into ...


OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT, casts spell on Microsoft

The hottest startup in Silicon Valley right now is OpenAI, the Microsoft-backed developer of ChatGPT, a much-hyped chatbot that can write a poem, college essay or even a line of software code.


AI discovers that not every fingerprint is unique

From "Law and Order" to "CSI," not to mention real life, investigators have used fingerprints as the gold standard for linking criminals to a crime. But if a perpetrator leaves prints from different fingers in two different ...


AI model detects mental disorders based on web posts

Dartmouth researchers have built an artificial intelligence model for detecting mental disorders using conversations on Reddit, part of an emerging wave of screening tools that use computers to analyze social media posts ...

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