Computer Sciences news

Computer Sciences

Machine learning approach enhances emotion detection accuracy

Facial emotion recognition could have broad applications across health care, education, marketing, transportation, and entertainment. It might be used to help monitor patients remotely or in overstretched hospitals or emergency ...


Sustainable SOT-MRAM memory technology could replace cache memory in computer architecture in the future

How much energy is consumed each time we upload an image to social media, which relies on data centers and cloud storage? Data centers currently account for about 1% of global energy consumption, amounting to 200 terawatt-hours ...

Computer Sciences

Computer scientists develop solutions for making AI models more efficient and customizable

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere—from the chatbots we consult for customer support to tools predicting how diseases might spread. But the computing power and energy required to power modern AI models—such as ...

Computer Sciences

AI gives nonprogrammers a boost in writing computer code

What do you think there are more of: professional computer programmers or computer users who do a little programming?

Computer Sciences

Computer scientists digitally render iridescent bird feathers

Computer animators and video game designers may soon have a better way to create the purple-green sheen of a grackle's wing, or the pink flash on a hummingbird's throat, thanks to a new method for rendering iridescent feathers.

Energy & Green Tech

Report evaluates increase in electricity demand from data centers

A recent report produced by the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), which outlines the energy use of data centers from 2014 to 2028, estimates that data center load growth has tripled ...

Computer Sciences

New AI tool detects fake news with 99% accuracy

A tool developed by Keele University researchers has been shown to help detect fake news with an impressive 99% level of accuracy, offering a vital resource in combating online misinformation.

Computer Sciences

AI tool aims to improve expert decision-making accuracy

Years ago, as she sat in waiting rooms, Maytal Saar-Tsechansky began to wonder how people chose a good doctor when they had no way of knowing a doctor's track record on accurate diagnoses. Talking to other patients, she found ...