Computer Sciences news

Computer Sciences

New algorithm improves how AI can independently learn and uncover patterns in data

Researchers have developed a new AI algorithm, called Torque Clustering, that is much closer to natural intelligence than current methods. It significantly improves how AI systems learn and uncover patterns in data independently, ...

Computer Sciences

Interactive maps show quality of public transportation in Germany

How good is the public transportation from your home address? For an objective perspective, you can check the interactive "Mobility Maps" for Germany that are freely available online.

Computer Sciences

Psychology-based tasks assess multi-modal LLM visual cognition limits

Over the past decades, computer scientists have created increasingly advanced artificial intelligence (AI) models, some of which can perform similarly to humans on specific tasks. The extent to which these models truly "think" ...


Sustainable SOT-MRAM memory technology could replace cache memory in computer architecture in the future

How much energy is consumed each time we upload an image to social media, which relies on data centers and cloud storage? Data centers currently account for about 1% of global energy consumption, amounting to 200 terawatt-hours ...

Computer Sciences

Computer scientists digitally render iridescent bird feathers

Computer animators and video game designers may soon have a better way to create the purple-green sheen of a grackle's wing, or the pink flash on a hummingbird's throat, thanks to a new method for rendering iridescent feathers.