Machine learning & AI news


Researchers develop an automated benchmark for language-based task planners

If instructed to "Place a cooled apple into the microwave," how would a robot respond? Initially, the robot would need to locate an apple, pick it up, find the refrigerator, open its door, and place the apple inside. Subsequently, ...


Researchers propose framework for future network systems

In a new study published in Engineering, Wu Jiangxing's research team unveils a theoretical framework that could revolutionize the landscape of network systems and architectures.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Machine learning and extended reality used to train welders

Ever since the ancient Egyptians hammered two pieces of gold together until they fused, the art of welding has continuously progressed.

Computer Sciences

Emulating neurodegeneration and aging in artificial intelligence systems

In recent years, developers have introduced artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can simulate or reproduce various human abilities, such as recognizing objects in images, answering questions, and more. Yet in contrast ...