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Eco-friendly aluminum battery lasts 10,000 cycles with minimal loss

Large batteries for long-term storage of solar and wind power are key to integrating abundant and renewable energy sources into the U.S. power grid. However, there is a lack of safe and reliable battery technologies to support ...

Machine learning & AI

Self-adaptive LLM dynamically adjusts its weights to learn new tasks

A trio of AI researchers at Sakana AI, a Japanese startup, has announced the development of a self-adaptive AI LLM called Transformer2. Qi Sun, Edoardo Cetin, and Yujin Tang, have posted their paper on the arXiv preprint ...


Butterfly-inspired method for robot wing movement works without electronics or batteries

Researchers at the Technical University of Darmstadt and the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf have developed flexible robot wings that are moved by magnetic fields. Inspired by the efficiency and adaptability of the wings ...


How good old mud can lower building costs

Buildings cost a lot these days. But when concrete buildings are being constructed, there's another material that can make them less expensive: mud.


Tiny chip could offer spectral sensing for everyday devices

Imagine smartphones that can diagnose diseases, detect counterfeit drugs or warn of spoiled food. Spectral sensing is a powerful technique that identifies materials by analyzing how they interact with light, revealing details ...


Embodied AI reveals how robots and toddlers learn to understand

We humans excel at generalization. If you taught a toddler to identify the color red by showing her a red ball, a red truck and a red rose, she will most likely correctly identify the color of a tomato, even if it is the ...