Engineering news


Self-powered graphene smart sensor takes the pain out of wound monitoring

A major challenge in self-powered wearable sensors for health care monitoring is distinguishing different signals when they occur at the same time. Researchers from Penn State and China's Hebei University of Technology have ...


Engineers expand multi-material design possibilities with cellular fluidics

Engineering researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have achieved breakthroughs in multi-material additive manufacturing (3D printing) through the power of capillary action. The LLNL team printed lattice ...


Semiconductor material for short-wave infrared sensors developed

The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science has successfully developed a high-quality compound semiconductor material for ultra-sensitive short-wave infrared (SWIR) sensors. The study is published in the journal ...


Boosting Li-ion battery performance with surface technology

With the rising global demand for cost-effective sustainable batteries, lithium-ion batteries are at the forefront as energy storage solutions. However, achieving a high energy density with long-term stability in such batteries ...


AI sensor cuts false alarms in smoke detectors

A group of South Korean researchers has developed an intelligent fire detection technology that drastically reduces false alarm incidents which go off in the absence of a real fire (hereinafter "unwanted alarm"), and is on ...


Engineers and architects launch manifesto on regenerative design

A team of engineers, architects and researchers from the University of Bath have published a manifesto on "regenerative" design and engineering, providing a guide to confronting the climate crisis and creating "Net Positive" ...


Encoding many properties in one material via 3D printing

A class of synthetic soft materials called liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) can change shape in response to heat, similar to how muscles contract and relax in response to signals from the nervous system. 3D printing these ...


Engineers help multirobot systems stay in the safety zone

Drone shows are an increasingly popular form of large-scale light display. These shows incorporate hundreds to thousands of airborne bots, each programmed to fly in paths that together form intricate shapes and patterns across ...


Simulator characterizes air pollution in aircraft cabins

"Fume events" occur when fluids such as engine oil or hydraulic fluid contaminate the air inside an airplane cabin via the "bleed air" used for air supply and conditioning. Measurements taken in flight do not allow for determination ...