
Machine learning & AI

AI datasets have human values blind spots: New research

My colleagues and I at Purdue University have uncovered a significant imbalance in the human values embedded in AI systems. The systems were predominantly oriented toward information and utility values and less toward prosocial, ...


Wind over its wing: NASA's X-66 model tests airflow

NASA's Sustainable Flight Demonstrator (SFD) project recently concluded wind tunnel tests of its X-66 semi-span model in partnership with Boeing. The model, designed to represent half the aircraft, allows the research team ...

Energy & Green Tech

Electricity-producing slime could power floors, shoes and more

University of Guelph (U of G) researchers have developed a slime-like material that produces electricity when compressed. When the team studied their prototype using the Canadian Light Source (CLS) at the University of Saskatchewan, ...

Machine learning & AI

Top researcher blasts 'nonsense' of superhuman AI

Efforts to build artificial intelligence (AI) that could solve all the world's problems at a stroke are "nonsense", leading researcher Michael Jordan told scientists in Paris ahead of next week's global AI summit.

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