
Machine learning & AI

Scientists create AI that 'watches' videos by mimicking the brain

Imagine an artificial intelligence (AI) model that can watch and understand moving images with the subtlety of a human brain. Now, scientists at Scripps Research have made this a reality by creating MovieNet: an innovative ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Battery-like computer memory keeps working above 1,000°F

Computer memory could one day withstand the blazing temperatures in fusion reactors, jet engines, geothermal wells and sweltering planets using a new solid-state memory device developed by a team of engineers led by the University ...

Energy & Green Tech

Electrochemical device provides on-site wastewater treatment

Conventional wastewater treatment involves the centralized collection of wastewater from sources through pipes to large-scale treatment plants, where it is treated in bulk. However, this is not feasible in small, decentralized ...


Guidelines for making robots more lifelike

Better, faster artificial intelligence is fueling a rise in human-like robots for customer service at places like hotels and airports, especially in areas outside the U.S. But many robots still fail to connect with people, ...

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