

Robots encourage risk-taking behaviour in humans

New research has shown robots can encourage humans to take greater risks in a simulated gambling scenario than they would if there was nothing to influence their behaviours. Increasing our understanding of whether robots ...

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning and big data are unlocking Europe's archives

From wars to weddings, Europe's history is stored in billions of archival pages across the continent. While many archives try to make their documents public, finding information in them remains a low-tech affair. Simple page ...

Computer Sciences

Automating material-matching for movies and video games

Very few of us who play video games or watch computer-generated image-filled movies ever take the time to sit back and appreciate all the handiwork that make their graphics so thrilling and immersive.


The future of autonomous aircraft

Imagine a world of aerial delivery drones bringing goods right to your door, small air taxis with fewer than six passengers flying about cities, supersonic airliners crossing continents and oceans, and sixth-generation fighter ...

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