
Hi Tech & Innovation

Developing intelligent cameras that can learn

Intelligent cameras could be one step closer thanks to a research collaboration between the Universities of Bristol and Manchester who have developed cameras that can learn and understand what they are seeing.


China's quiet experiment to let millions roam the real internet

In a quiet experiment of just two weeks, China provided millions of people access to long-forbidden foreign websites like YouTube and Instagram. The trial appears to signal the Communist government is moving toward giving ...


Ikea to buy back used furniture to reduce waste

Ikea, the world's largest furniture chain, said Tuesday it would begin buying back used furniture from customers to resell—and pay up to 50 percent of the original price.


Boeing's struggles continue: No jetliner sales in September

Boeing failed to sell any airline planes last month and suffered more cancellations of a grounded jetliner, further evidence of the company's battle to overcome a drop in air travel during the pandemic and crashes involving ...

Machine learning & AI

New deep learning models: Fewer neurons, more intelligence

Artificial intelligence has arrived in our everyday lives—from search engines to self-driving cars. This has to do with the enormous computing power that has become available in recent years. But new results from AI research ...

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