

Suit charges crypto firms with billion-dollar fraud

New York's attorney general on Thursday filed a lawsuit accusing cryptocurrency firms Gemini and Genesis with fraud that wound up costing investors more than a billion dollars.

Machine learning & AI

Could quantum give us the generative AI we're looking for?

Quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI) might seem as distant from each other as New York and Los Angeles. But according to Duke Quantum Center (DQC) director Chris Monroe, the two subjects are practically next-door ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Amazon starts delivering medications by drone in Texas city

Amazon.com Inc. laid out plans to expand its still-experimental drone delivery effort, announcing the start of sending prescription medication by air and promising to start flights in Britain and Italy by late 2024.


Why it's time to renew Australia's renewable energy policy

If Australia is to meet its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 43% below 2005 levels by 2030, we need to cut emissions faster. Even if all current government policy commitments are achieved—an unlikely outcome ...

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