
Energy & Green Tech

Rooftop solar cells can be a boon for water conservation too

Electricity-generating rooftop solar cells not only save on planet-warming carbon emissions, they also save a significant amount of water, say a pair of Duke University researchers who have done the math.


Smart microrobots walk autonomously with electronic 'brains'

Cornell University researchers have installed electronic "brains" on solar-powered robots that are 100 to 250 micrometers in size—smaller than an ant's head—so that they can walk autonomously without being externally ...


Sandblasting with light

Sandblasting—that was yesterday. Laser beams can now clean and structure surfaces more precisely and cost-effectively and in more environmentally friendly ways than conventional systems. The Fraunhofer Institute for Material ...

Energy & Green Tech

Lithium-ion battery material breaks barrier on fast charging

Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, discovered a key material needed for fast-charging lithium-ion batteries. The commercially relevant approach ...

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