

EU agrees deal to tame internet 'Wild West'

The European Union on Saturday finalised new legislation to require Big Tech to remove harmful content, the bloc's latest move to rein in the world's online giants.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Sulfonamides make robust cathode material for proton batteries

Proton batteries are an innovative and environmentally friendly type of battery in which charge is carried by protons, which are positively charged hydrogen ions. A team of researchers has now developed organic sulfonamides ...


Why an edit button for Twitter is not as simple as it seems

Most people who use Twitter have had the experience: you fire off a quick tweet, realize it contains a typo, then get annoyed you can't click "edit" to fix it. Twitter users have been clamoring for an edit button for years.

Energy & Green Tech

Report: Fire training, equipment lacking at US nuclear dump

The U.S. government's nuclear waste repository in New Mexico has major issues in fire training and firefighting vehicles, with its fleet in disrepair after years of neglect, according to an investigation by the U.S. Energy ...

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