

Read this before installing extensions to your web browser

When Amazon offered recently to pay Prime members $10 to download its Assistant browser extension, Jeremy Tillman, who runs the ad-blocking software Ghostery, took notice. He likened it to that sweetheart deal when the Dutch ...


Electronic eye: Technology for breakdowns prevention

Detecting deformations and the wear-out rate of underground water mains is one of the functions of the measuring optical device created by the scientists of Ural Federal University in collaboration with D-TEST Optical Measurement ...


Collaborating to better understand metal degradation

Southwest Research Institute and The University of Texas at San Antonio are working together to understand the susceptibility of additively manufactured materials to hydrogen embrittlement, a common problem that can lead ...


When you spot one driving hazard, you may be missing another

When people notice one traffic hazard, they are less likely to see a simultaneous second hazard, according to new research from North Carolina State University. The finding has potential applications for both driver training ...

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