

Creating 3D shapes from a flat surface using LEDs

A team of South Korean researchers has developed an innovative haptic (tactile) display technology that is attracting global attention. This innovation allows users to physically experience 3D shapes and various textures, ...

Machine learning & AI

Novel network proposed to improve underwater image quality

Researchers led by Prof. Wang Rujing and Wang Liusan from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have established a learnable full-frequency transformer dual generative adversarial network ...

Energy & Green Tech

A fresh set of eyes on next-generation nuclear reactors

Decarbonization requires radical transformation of the U.S. energy sector, and nuclear energy could be at the center of that transformation. It already provides a fifth of the nation's electricity, and new designs suggest ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers propose the next platform for brain-inspired computing

Computers have come so far in terms of their power and potential, rivaling and even eclipsing human brains in their ability to store and crunch data, make predictions and communicate. But there is one domain where human brains ...

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