

Amazon's 'New World' games soars at release

Amazon's new multiplayer online game, "New World", got off to a roaring start Tuesday for its release, a test for the tech conglomerate seeking to break into this fast-growing sector.


Green energy takes hold in unlikely places with Ford project

When Ford revealed plans to ramp up its commitment to the fledgling electric vehicle sector, the automaker chose to create thousands of jobs and pump billions in investments into two states where Republican leaders have vilified ...


Making roadway spending more sustainable

The share of federal spending on infrastructure has reached an all-time low, falling from 30 percent in 1960 to just 12 percent in 2018.


Brussels urges VW to compensate all EU 'Dieselgate' customers

Brussels on Tuesday called on Volkswagen to pay out all European consumers—and not just German ones—affected by the "Dieselgate" scandal in which the automaker tampered with vehicle emissions to cheat pollution tests.

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