
Energy & Green Tech

Is nuclear the answer to Australia's climate crisis?

In Australia's race to net zero emissions, nuclear power has surged back into the news. Opposition leader Peter Dutton argues nuclear is "the only feasible and proven technology" for cutting emissions. Energy Minister Chris ...


An eco-friendly solar-driven protocol solves water-oil separation

The discharge of nuclear wastewater from Japan has drawn concern and condemnation from countries around the world. As a result, the issue of marine pollution is once again in the spotlight. Among the traditional marine environmental ...

Energy & Green Tech

Green ammonia for the hydrogen economy

Research in the International Journal of Exergy has looked at how a novel small-scale power-to-ammonia (P2A) system might be a useful tool in the move to a hydrogen economy. The work considers the energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Focus on AR/VR: Near-eye display based on metasurface devices

With the rise of the meta-universe, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies have been developing rapidly in recent years. Near-eye displays are crucial technologies for VR and AR. Despite the rapid advances ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Preventing catastrophic failure in lithium ion batteries

In a recent study published in Advanced Energy Materials, a team of ANSTO scientists, led by Prof. Vanessa Peterson, used neutron scattering techniques to understand the formation of harmful lithium structures in rechargeable ...

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