

Bots exploiting blockchains for profit

Blockchains have been hailed as fair and open, constructed so a single user can't falsify or alter records because they're all part of a transparent network.

Energy & Green Tech

Bio-based chemicals could reduce fossil fuel use

Petrochemicals, the oil- and gas-derived compounds that serve as the molecular backbones for much of modern commerce, commanded a $539.3 billion market value in 2018.


3-D printing of metallic micro-objects

3-D printing has become an increasingly important production method. Researchers at ETH have now developed a new 3-D printing technique by which micrometre-sized objects made of several metals can be produced with high spatial ...

Energy & Green Tech

Record solar hydrogen production with concentrated sunlight

Hydrogen will play a key role in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. It can be sustainably produced by using solar energy to split water molecules. The resulting clean energy can be stored, used to fuel cars or converted ...