
Energy & Green Tech

Ultra-sensitive optical sensor can reduce hydrogen's risks

In the pursuit of clean and renewable energy, hydrogen plays an important role. But a major challenge facing this transition is that the gas is explosive when mixed with air. For this reason, it is crucial to be able to detect ...


Review: Toyota RAV4 Prime vs. Hyundai Tucson Plug-in

Since its debut for the 2021 model year, the Toyota RAV4 Prime has served as a benchmark for what a small SUV with a plug-in hybrid powertrain can be. It's efficient, fast and nearly as practical as a regular RAV4. But now ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Self-driving lorries hit the road in Sweden

Barrelling down a motorway south of Stockholm in a 40-ton lorry and trailer, the driver keeps a careful eye on the road but, jarringly, no hands on the wheel.

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