
Machine learning & AI

AI is an existential threat—just not the way you think

The rise of ChatGPT and similar artificial intelligence systems has been accompanied by a sharp increase in anxiety about AI. For the past few months, executives and AI safety researchers have been offering predictions, dubbed ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Organic electronics: Sustainability during the entire lifecycle

Organic electronics can make a decisive contribution to decarbonization and, at the same time, help to cut the consumption of rare and valuable raw materials. To do so, it is not only necessary to further develop manufacturing ...


US court limits officials' contacts with social media firms

A US federal court on Tuesday restricted some top officials and agencies of President Joe Biden's administration from meeting and communicating with social media companies to moderate their content, a ruling that could curtail ...

Energy & Green Tech

IAEA chief reassures Fukushima residents on water release

The head of the UN's nuclear watchdog met with Fukushima residents and representatives Wednesday, seeking to reassure them about the planned release of treated wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant.

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