Dubai's vertical farming to help quench thirst for own supply chain
Crop One and Emirates Flight Catering (EKFC) have launched a $40 million joint venture to build the world's largest vertical farming facility in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Energy & Green Tech
Crop One and Emirates Flight Catering (EKFC) have launched a $40 million joint venture to build the world's largest vertical farming facility in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Computer Sciences
A team of researchers at U.K. startup Wayve has developed a way to apply deep learning networking to autonomous driving. In a recent blog post (along with accompanying YouTube demonstration video) representatives outlined ...
Energy & Green Tech
A new design of rechargeable battery, created using salt, could lead the way for greener energy. Researchers at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) have joined forces with a specialist group at the Shanghai Institute ...
Jul 9, 2018
Computer Sciences
Vision is one of nature's amazing creations that has been with us for hundreds of millions of years. It's a key sense for humans, but one we often take for granted: that is, until we start losing it or we try and recreate ...
Jul 9, 2018
UC Berkeley engineers have given new meaning to the term "working paper." Using inexpensive materials, they have fabricated foldable electronic switches and sensors directly onto paper, along with prototype generators, supercapacitors ...
Jul 9, 2018