Energy & Green Tech news


Urban heating and cooling to play substantial role in future energy demand under climate change

Existing global energy projections underestimate the impact of climate change on urban heating and cooling systems by roughly 50% by 2099 if greenhouse gas emissions remain high, researchers report. This disparity could profoundly ...

Energy & Green Tech

Dielectric protocol leads to high energy density in Li-metal pouch cells

The interface between electrodes and electrolytes largely contributes to the efficiency with which batteries convert energy. In recent years, many efforts aimed at developing better performing batteries have focused on tailoring ...

Energy & Green Tech

New 'PVDF alternative battery binder' surpasses EU environmental regulations

A research team has developed a technology that enhances the performance of binders—often the 'unsung heroes' in the field of secondary batteries—while using environmentally friendly materials. Their study is published ...


Housing could help us improve our well-being and reach net zero by 2040, scientist says

EPFL scientist Sascha Nick has outlined a completely new scenario for what housing and neighborhoods might look like in Switzerland in the coming decades. His recommendations would put the country on track to meet its net-zero ...

Energy & Green Tech

Self-charging energy harvester generates electricity from seawater

An innovative energy harvester, capable of continuously producing electrical energy by utilizing the movement of the sodium ions contained in seawater, has been developed. This technology is anticipated to find applications ...


Bio-inspired wick enhances electronic chip cooling

A research team led by Prof. Ye Hong from the University of Science and Technology of China has developed an alumina ceramic bionic wick with finger-like pores inspired by the stomatal array of natural leaves. Their research ...

Energy & Green Tech

Spain bets on green hydrogen in clean energy push

As Europe seeks to move way from fossil fuels, Spain is racing ahead in developing green hydrogen, aided by a growing wind and solar power complex in efforts to decarbonise its economy.

Energy & Green Tech

How Dutch houses can become almost energy- and CO2-neutral

How much energy and greenhouse gas emissions can Dutch homes save? Xining Yang uses Leiden as an example and shows with his research how enormous the impact can be. At least, if we work harder on becoming more sustainable. ...

Energy & Green Tech

Nuclear industry hopes to expand output with new reactors

The U.S. nuclear industry is generating less electricity as reactors retire, but now plant operators are hoping to nearly double their output over the next three decades, according to the industry's trade association.


Modeling light for solar panel placement in urban settings

Solar panel installation in cities requires setups tailored to the complex geometry of urban spaces that provide the most direct sunlight to each panel. Among the processes for designing the most efficient setup is shadow ...

Energy & Green Tech

Solving the problem of battery waste

The increased uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) and home batteries comes with its own environmental and sustainability problem—what to do with the batteries at the end of their lifespan?

Energy & Green Tech

First West African hydro-solar plant deployed in Ghana

The first West African hydro-solar plant was deployed in Ghana in January, with technical support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable ...

Energy & Green Tech

New membrane improves reversibility of zinc-air batteries

The long-standing challenges to the practical implementation of rechargeable zinc-air batteries (ZABs) are the electrochemical irreversibility of the Zn anode and degradation of the air cathodes in alkaline electrolyte, which ...


Novel 3D foam current collector developed for desalination

A research group at the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed a flow-electrode capacitive desalination technology with a three-dimensional (3D) foam current collector ...