Energy & Green Tech news


Urban heating and cooling to play substantial role in future energy demand under climate change

Existing global energy projections underestimate the impact of climate change on urban heating and cooling systems by roughly 50% by 2099 if greenhouse gas emissions remain high, researchers report. This disparity could profoundly ...

Energy & Green Tech

Dielectric protocol leads to high energy density in Li-metal pouch cells

The interface between electrodes and electrolytes largely contributes to the efficiency with which batteries convert energy. In recent years, many efforts aimed at developing better performing batteries have focused on tailoring ...

Energy & Green Tech

New 'PVDF alternative battery binder' surpasses EU environmental regulations

A research team has developed a technology that enhances the performance of binders—often the 'unsung heroes' in the field of secondary batteries—while using environmentally friendly materials. Their study is published ...


Housing could help us improve our well-being and reach net zero by 2040, scientist says

EPFL scientist Sascha Nick has outlined a completely new scenario for what housing and neighborhoods might look like in Switzerland in the coming decades. His recommendations would put the country on track to meet its net-zero ...

Energy & Green Tech

Self-charging energy harvester generates electricity from seawater

An innovative energy harvester, capable of continuously producing electrical energy by utilizing the movement of the sodium ions contained in seawater, has been developed. This technology is anticipated to find applications ...


Bio-inspired wick enhances electronic chip cooling

A research team led by Prof. Ye Hong from the University of Science and Technology of China has developed an alumina ceramic bionic wick with finger-like pores inspired by the stomatal array of natural leaves. Their research ...

Energy & Green Tech

France probes alleged nuclear power cover-up: source

French prosecutors are investigating claims that officials at a nuclear power station covered up incidents of malfunction at an ageing plant, a source close to the probe told AFP on Thursday.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Lithium-ion batteries that last longer in extreme cold

When temperatures fall below freezing, cellphones need to be recharged frequently, and electric cars have shorter driving ranges. This is because their lithium-ion batteries' anodes get sluggish, holding less charge and draining ...

Energy & Green Tech

How will hydropower bolster a renewable energy world?

In the last few years, U.S. summers have looked a little apocalyptic. Wildfires raged across the West Coast. Floods stole homes. In July 2021, the Earth's hottest month ever was recorded, and power grids flickered, causing ...

Energy & Green Tech

EU lawmakers endorse ban on combustion-engine cars in 2035

The European Parliament on Wednesday threw its weight behind a proposed ban on selling new cars with combustion engines in 2035, seeking to step up the fight against climate change through the faster development of electric ...

Energy & Green Tech

Sponge-like solar cells could be basis for better pacemakers

Holes help make sponges and English muffins useful (and, in the case of the latter, delicious). Without holes, they wouldn't be flexible enough to bend into small crevices, or to sop up the perfect amount of jam and butter.

Energy & Green Tech

New model finds best sites for electric vehicle charging stations

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a computational model that can be used to determine the optimal places for locating electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities, as well as how powerful the charging ...

Energy & Green Tech

A novel process to capture and convert CO2 from air

As CO2 emissions continue to grow, the world is becoming ever more reliant on the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to achieve urgent climate targets. Direct air capture (DAC) is a promising novel technology for ...

Energy & Green Tech

Biden orders emergency steps to boost U.S. solar production

President Joe Biden ordered emergency measures Monday to boost crucial supplies to U.S. solar manufacturers and declared a two-year tariff exemption on solar panels from Southeast Asia as he attempted to jumpstart progress ...