Energy & Green Tech news


Urban heating and cooling to play substantial role in future energy demand under climate change

Existing global energy projections underestimate the impact of climate change on urban heating and cooling systems by roughly 50% by 2099 if greenhouse gas emissions remain high, researchers report. This disparity could profoundly ...

Energy & Green Tech

Producing future low-cost, aqueous zinc-ion batteries for sustainable, large-scale energy storage

With global demand for lithium-ion batteries fast depleting reserves of raw materials, experts are seeking safe, affordable and reliable alternatives for rechargeable batteries.


Housing could help us improve our well-being and reach net zero by 2040, scientist says

EPFL scientist Sascha Nick has outlined a completely new scenario for what housing and neighborhoods might look like in Switzerland in the coming decades. His recommendations would put the country on track to meet its net-zero ...

Energy & Green Tech

Harnessing the power of porosity: Advancing aqueous zinc-ion batteries and large-scale energy storage

As the global demand for energy storage solutions grows, the limitations of current lithium-ion batteries, such as safety concerns and high costs, have driven the exploration of alternative technologies. Aqueous zinc-ion ...

Energy & Green Tech

Self-charging energy harvester generates electricity from seawater

An innovative energy harvester, capable of continuously producing electrical energy by utilizing the movement of the sodium ions contained in seawater, has been developed. This technology is anticipated to find applications ...


Bio-inspired wick enhances electronic chip cooling

A research team led by Prof. Ye Hong from the University of Science and Technology of China has developed an alumina ceramic bionic wick with finger-like pores inspired by the stomatal array of natural leaves. Their research ...

Energy & Green Tech

How electric vehicles could fix the grid

Transportation is the single biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, accounting for about a third of all emissions. We could quickly lower those emissions by electrifying vehicles, but there's just ...

Energy & Green Tech

Emerging hydrogen storage technology could increase energy resilience

With the rise in renewable energy as well as increasing uncertainty associated with outages due to power surges and extreme weather events, energy storage plays a key role in ensuring reliable power supply to critical infrastructure ...

Energy & Green Tech

This electric flying boat might transform traveling

A Norwegian company is now developing a small electric seaplane that can transform local passenger traffic on a large scale. The design of the hull is currently being tested in SINTEF's towing tank in Trondheim, and the plan ...

Energy & Green Tech

Using citizen science for the advancement of solar energy

A team of researchers has used the experience of a participatory strategy to create and launch Generation Solar, a citizen science initiative for research and innovation in solar energy. Generation Solar has been coordinated ...

Energy & Green Tech

We can generate green hydrogen, but how will we store it?

Generating green hydrogen—hydrogen produced from water using renewable electricity—is a seasonal task that relies on factors such as excess water in hydro lakes or wind. Once generated, the next challenge is storage.

Energy & Green Tech

The future of nuclear waste: What's the plan and can it be safe?

The U.K. is planning to significantly expand its nuclear capability, in an effort to decrease its reliance on carbon-based fossil fuels. The government is aiming to construct up to eight new reactors over the next couple ...

Energy & Green Tech

Hybrid-drive construction machinery: Fuel-efficient excavators

Resources and energy prices are soaring—and as a consequence, construction is getting more expensive. Besides climate change, high costs are an additional reason to save fuel in construction machinery. Scientists at Karlsruhe ...