Energy & Green Tech news

Energy & Green Tech

Dielectric protocol leads to high energy density in Li-metal pouch cells

The interface between electrodes and electrolytes largely contributes to the efficiency with which batteries convert energy. In recent years, many efforts aimed at developing better performing batteries have focused on tailoring ...


Urban heating and cooling to play substantial role in future energy demand under climate change

Existing global energy projections underestimate the impact of climate change on urban heating and cooling systems by roughly 50% by 2099 if greenhouse gas emissions remain high, researchers report. This disparity could profoundly ...

Energy & Green Tech

New 'PVDF alternative battery binder' surpasses EU environmental regulations

A research team has developed a technology that enhances the performance of binders—often the 'unsung heroes' in the field of secondary batteries—while using environmentally friendly materials. Their study is published ...

Energy & Green Tech

Harnessing the power of porosity: Advancing aqueous zinc-ion batteries and large-scale energy storage

As the global demand for energy storage solutions grows, the limitations of current lithium-ion batteries, such as safety concerns and high costs, have driven the exploration of alternative technologies. Aqueous zinc-ion ...

Energy & Green Tech

Self-charging energy harvester generates electricity from seawater

An innovative energy harvester, capable of continuously producing electrical energy by utilizing the movement of the sodium ions contained in seawater, has been developed. This technology is anticipated to find applications ...


Bio-inspired wick enhances electronic chip cooling

A research team led by Prof. Ye Hong from the University of Science and Technology of China has developed an alumina ceramic bionic wick with finger-like pores inspired by the stomatal array of natural leaves. Their research ...


Green rare-earth recycling goes commercial in the US

An innovative method of recycling rare earth elements from electronic waste has gone commercial. A team of researchers from the Critical Materials Institute (CMI), a U.S. Department of Energy Innovation Hub led by the Ames ...

Energy & Green Tech

Microsoft data centre to warm homes in Finland

Technology giant Microsoft announced a new data centre in the Finnish capital on Thursday, with waste heat to be channelled into warming homes and businesses.

Energy & Green Tech

Can nuclear generation reduce European reliance on Russian gas?

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the International Energy Agency and the European Commission have come up with plans to rapidly reduce the European Union's imports of Russian natural gas. While the International Energy ...

Energy & Green Tech

Breakthrough opens door to low-cost green hydrogen

In a clean energy breakthrough, researchers from the University of Wollongong (UOW) and ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES) have developed new electrolyzer technology that brings cost-competitive ...

Energy & Green Tech

New flow battery stores power in simple organic compound

The intermittent supply of green electricity requires large-scale storage to keep our power grids stable. Since normal batteries do not scale very well, the idea of using flow batteries, which store electricity in a fluid ...

Energy & Green Tech

How rising gas prices emphasize the need for renewable energy

The war in Ukraine has caused oil prices to surge to the highest level since 2008, with gas prices in some areas of California creeping up to $6 per gallon. Rising prices have led renewable energy advocates like Tesla CEO ...