Energy & Green Tech news


Study highlights complex ocean conditions facing world's most powerful tidal turbine

The number of tidal power and other offshore renewable energy installations is set to grow significantly around the UK coastline over the coming decades.

Energy & Green Tech

Organic supramolecular crystals with high hydrogen storage performance could enhance fuel-cell vehicle efficiency

Hydrogen is often seen as the fuel of the future on account of its zero-emission and high gravimetric energy density, meaning it stores more energy per unit of mass compared to gasoline. Its low volumetric density, however, ...


Which is ecologically better: Concrete or plastic pipes?

On behalf of the FBS (Federal Association of Concrete Sewer Systems), Fraunhofer UMSICHT prepared a life cycle assessment of the environmental impact of wastewater pipes made of (steel) concrete. This also functions as an ...

Energy & Green Tech

New continuous reaction process can help turn plant waste into sustainable aviation fuel

Washington State University scientists successfully tested a new way to produce sustainable jet fuel from lignin-based agricultural waste. Published in the journal Fuel Processing Technology, the team's research demonstrated ...

Energy & Green Tech

Solar panels soon may power and protect apple orchards

A small experimental apple orchard at Cornell's Hudson Valley Research Laboratory may soon be topped by solar panels, which would not only track the sun to capture energy, but provide a warm canopy on cooler spring days and ...

Energy & Green Tech

Study shows US can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2035

Dramatically expanding climate-action policies across all levels of government, sectors of society and the economy could slash U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2035 compared to 2005 levels, according to a new report ...


Can cryptocurrencies ever be green?

Cryptocurrencies have been condemned over their environmental record at a time when traditional investments have been rapidly moving towards greener environmental, social and governance (ESG) values. So how long will it be ...

Energy & Green Tech

Closing in on state-of-the-art semiconductor solar cells

A synthetic approach that improves absorber layers in perovskite solar cells could help them achieve their full potential and draw closer to the performance of leading gallium arsenide devices.

Energy & Green Tech

Scientists report new synapse-like phototransistor

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) developed a breakthrough in energy-efficient phototransistors. Such devices could eventually help computers process visual information ...

Energy & Green Tech

Electric vehicle batteries: The older they get, the safer they are

Studies at TU Graz show that the older an traction battery of electric vehicles (EV) is, the lower the danger it poses. Now the researchers and industry partners want to define parameters for the subsequent use of discarded ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Hydrogen power plant for the garden

According to data from the German Environment Agency, private households currently are responsible for about a quarter of Germany's energy consumption in total. A good half of this energy is obtained from natural gas and ...

Energy & Green Tech

Longer range for electric cars

If electric vehicles are to achieve greater distances, it's not only a matter of optimizing their batteries. Instead, the entire power train has to be improved. A Fraunhofer team is therefore developing electronic control ...

Energy & Green Tech

Empowering citizens for successful energy transitions

The terms "co-creation" and "co-production," which denote the possibility for laypeople to participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives, have been gaining popularity. A new IIASA-led study explored options ...

Energy & Green Tech

How to invest in a fairer and low carbon energy system

Governments throughout the world have accelerated their ambitions towards effective climate change mitigation. What is clear, in this challenge of how to tackle the complex and global issue of climate change, is that there ...

Energy & Green Tech

The curtailment paradox in a high solar future

Rising penetrations of variable renewable energy (VRE) in power systems are expected to increase curtailment—the reduction of renewable energy delivered due to oversupply or lack of system flexibility. But while curtailment ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Exploring extremes: When is it too hot to handle?

Exploring extreme environments can put significant operational challenges on the engineering systems we depend upon to safely explore and at times operate within.

Energy & Green Tech

Battery parts can be recycled without crushing or melting

The proliferation of electric cars, smartphones, and portable devices is leading to an estimated 25 percent increase globally in the manufacturing of rechargeable batteries each year. Many raw materials used in the batteries, ...

Energy & Green Tech

US pushes ahead with nuclear plans despite watchdog concerns

The Biden administration appears to be picking up where former President Donald Trump left off as the federal agency that oversees U.S. nuclear research and bomb-making has approved the conceptual design and cost range for ...