Energy & Green Tech news

Energy & Green Tech

Radiant-convective heating terminal show potential for improved indoor thermal environment for intermittent heating

A recent study published in Engineering, "Indoor Thermal Environment Improvement Based on Switchable Radiation/Convection-Combined Intermittent Heating: Comparison between Conventional Terminals and Integrated Novel Terminal," ...


Study highlights complex ocean conditions facing world's most powerful tidal turbine

The number of tidal power and other offshore renewable energy installations is set to grow significantly around the UK coastline over the coming decades.


Novel recycling process for rare-earth elements could improve green technology and boost carbon neutrality

In a recent study published in Engineering, researchers from Kyoto University have unveiled a novel method for the efficient separation and recycling of rare-earth elements (REEs) from end-of-life magnets. This innovative ...


Which is ecologically better: Concrete or plastic pipes?

On behalf of the FBS (Federal Association of Concrete Sewer Systems), Fraunhofer UMSICHT prepared a life cycle assessment of the environmental impact of wastewater pipes made of (steel) concrete. This also functions as an ...

Energy & Green Tech

Solar panels soon may power and protect apple orchards

A small experimental apple orchard at Cornell's Hudson Valley Research Laboratory may soon be topped by solar panels, which would not only track the sun to capture energy, but provide a warm canopy on cooler spring days and ...

Energy & Green Tech

Study shows US can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2035

Dramatically expanding climate-action policies across all levels of government, sectors of society and the economy could slash U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2035 compared to 2005 levels, according to a new report ...


Can cryptocurrencies ever be green?

Cryptocurrencies have been condemned over their environmental record at a time when traditional investments have been rapidly moving towards greener environmental, social and governance (ESG) values. So how long will it be ...

Energy & Green Tech

Tuning electrode surfaces to optimize solar fuel production

Scientists have demonstrated that modifying the topmost layer of atoms on the surface of electrodes can have a remarkable impact on the activity of solar water splitting. As they reported in Nature Energy on Feb. 18, bismuth ...

Energy & Green Tech

New NIST framework strives for cleaner, more secure power grid

Whether it's a new set of solar panels glistening on a neighbor's roof or a freshly installed smart thermostat at home, burgeoning renewable and smart technologies represent steps toward a sustainable future. But much of ...

Energy & Green Tech

New highly radioactive particles found in Fukushima

The 10 year anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident occurs in March. Work just published in the Journal Science of the Total Environment documents new, large (> 300 micrometers), highly radioactive particles ...

Energy & Green Tech

A new lead-based anode for next-generation lithium-ion batteries

The lithium-ion battery powers everything from mobile phones to laptops to electric vehicles. Scientists worldwide are always on the hunt for new and improved components to build better batteries for these and other applications.

Energy & Green Tech

Microalgae identified as clean source of hydrogen production

Researchers at Monash University's Department of Chemical Engineering, IITB-Monash Research Academy Mumbai, and The Indian Institute of Technology's Department of Chemical Engineering have used reactive flash volatilisation ...