Energy & Green Tech news

Energy & Green Tech

Pilot plant demonstrates iron-based hydrogen storage feasibility

Photovoltaics are set to meet over 40% of Switzerland's electricity needs by 2050. But solar power isn't always available when it's needed: there's too much of it in summer and too little in winter, when the sun shines less ...


Researchers develop ultra-high efficiency perovskite LEDs by strengthening lattice

A research team has developed ultra-high efficiency perovskite nanocrystal light-emitting diodes (LEDs) by strengthening the perovskite lattice and suppressing the material's inherent low-frequency dynamics.

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers discover a surprising way to jump-start battery performance

A lithium-ion battery's very first charge is more momentous than it sounds. It determines how well and how long the battery will work from then on—in particular, how many cycles of charging and discharging it can handle ...


Scientists develop eco-friendly microfabrication method using water and paper

Imagine being able to create incredibly tiny structures with the same ease and sustainability as printing on paper. This is the frontier of microfabrication—the process of making microscopic structures that are crucial ...

Energy & Green Tech

Switzerland reopens door for new nuclear power plants

Switzerland said Wednesday it was open to building new nuclear power stations in the long term, given new geopolitical uncertainties, climate targets and population growth boosting the demand for electricity.

Energy & Green Tech

Sodium-ion batteries are set to spark a renewable energy revolution

The extent to which renewables should dominate Australia's energy grids is a major issue in science and politics. Solar and wind are clearly now the cheapest form of electricity. But limits to these technologies can undermine ...

Energy & Green Tech

First megawatt charger for electric trucks unveiled

With partners from industry and research institutions, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is trying to make battery-powered trucks viable for long-distance cargo transport. Megawatt charging represents an important ...

Energy & Green Tech

New software provides advanced grid simulation capabilities

Power companies and electric grid developers turn to simulation tools as they attempt to understand how modern equipment will be affected by rapidly unfolding events in a complex grid. A challenging and particularly promising ...

Energy & Green Tech

New humidity-driven membrane removes carbon dioxide from the air

Direct air capture was identified as one of the "seven chemical separations to change the world." This is because although carbon dioxide is the main contributor to climate change (we release ~40 billion tons into the atmosphere ...

Energy & Green Tech

Renewable electricity to outstrip coal next year: IEA

The amount of electricity produced from renewable sources worldwide is set to surpass output from coal-fired plants for the first time in 2025, the International Energy Agency said Friday.


Tiny sunlight-powered drone flies for an hour

A team of engineers at Beihang University, working with a colleague from Center of Advanced Aero-Engine, both in China, has developed a micro-aerial vehicle that flies using direct sunlight. They reported their results in ...