European Physical Journal B

Springer Science+Business Media Springer
Impact factor
1.466 (2009) ()
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Computer Sciences

Five ways to model text using networks

The explosive growth of AI "chatbots" over the last few years and their ability to generate text that simulates human writing, often very accurately, has focused attention on how text is structured.


Thinking about the rise of brain-inspired computing

The recent widespread and long-lasting chaos caused by Microsoft outages across the globe exemplifies just how integral computing has become to our lives. Yet, as computer hardware and software improve, arguably the most ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Harvesting vibrational energy from 'colored noise'

The energy demands of today's ubiquitous small electronic devices—including sensors, data transmitters, medical implants and 'wearable' consumer products such as Fitbits—can no longer be met by chemical batteries alone. ...

Computer Sciences

Simulating realistic lane changes in two-lane traffic

Many urban areas worldwide are now rapidly expanding, often with major negative impacts on traffic congestion. To address this issue, researchers have constructed models aiming to simulate the flow of traffic—but so far, ...