Nature Materials

Nature Materials, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Nature Publishing Group. It was launched in September 2002. Vincent Dusastre is the launching and current chief editor. The impact factor for Nature Materials in 2010 is 29.897, according to the Journal Citation Reports. Nature Materials is focused on all topics within the combined disciplines of materials science and engineering. Topics published in the journal are presented from the view of the impact that materials research has on other scientific disciplines such as (for example) physics, chemistry, and biology. Coverage in this journal encompasses fundamental research and applications from synthesis to processing, and from structure to composition. Coverage also includes basic research and applications of properties and performance of materials. Materials are specifically described as "substances in the condensed states (liquid, solid, colloidal)", and which are "designed or manipulated for technological ends."

Nature Publishing Group
Impact factor
29.920 (2010)
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Nanoparticle quasicrystal constructed with DNA

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