Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science

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Computer Sciences

New tool detects AI-generated videos with 93.7% accuracy

Earlier this year, an employee at a multinational corporation sent fraudsters $25 million. The instructions to transfer the money came—the employee thought—straight from the company's CFO. In reality, the criminals had ...


AI discovers that not every fingerprint is unique

From "Law and Order" to "CSI," not to mention real life, investigators have used fingerprints as the gold standard for linking criminals to a crime. But if a perpetrator leaves prints from different fingers in two different ...


New tool automates the formal verification of systems software

Formal systems verification, which mathematically proves that code is secure in all circumstances, is a relatively new technology. Software is getting more complex and harder to get right using traditional software testing ...


Improving market design for energy storage

Energy storage plays a crucial role in our transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. It enables us to store excess energy when it's available, from renewable sources like wind and solar, and use it when demand ...


Mechanical engineers explore kitchen uses for 3D printing

Cooking devices that incorporate three-dimensional (3D) printers, lasers, or other software-driven processes may soon replace conventional cooking appliances such as ovens, stovetops, and microwaves. But will people want ...

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